
Transparency portal

General information

Officials responsible for transparency - permanent
  1. Appointment of officials responsible for delivering public access information of Petroperú
  2. Appointment of the official responsible for updating and publishing in the Transparency Portal
  3. Procedure for dealing with requests for information Law No. 27806
  4. Procedure for publication of information in the Transparency Portal
Board – permanent
  1. Members of the board
  2. Officers of the organizational structure
Legal framework – permanent
  1. Regulation for the creation of Petróleos del Perú - Petroperú S.A.
  2. Mission and vision
  3. Corporate values
  4. Strategic objectives
  5. Petroperú Integrity Code
  6. Integrity System Guidelines
  7. Corporate Transparency Policy
  8. Good Corporate Governance Code
  9. Bylaws of Petróleos del Perú - Petroperú S.A.
  10. T.U.O of Law No. 27806- Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information, approved by Supreme Decree No. 021-2019-JUS
  11. Regulation of the T.U.O of the Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information, approved by Supreme Decree No. 007-2024-JUS
  12. Supreme Decree No. 070-2013-PCM that modifies the Regulation of the Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information, approved by Supreme Decree No. 072-2003-PCM.
  13. Legislative Decree No. 1353 that approves the Legislative Decree that creates the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Public Information, strengthens the Personal Data Protection Regime and the Regulation of Interest Management
  14. Errata of Legislative Decree No. 1353
  15. Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 1353, Legislative Decree that creates the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Public Information, strengthens the Personal Data Protection Regime and the Regulation of Interest Management
Affidavits - permanent
  1. Link to the Single Platform for Affidavits of Interests
  2. Link of the Platform of the Comptroller General of the Republic of the Affidavits of Income from Assets and Property

Planning and Organization

Organization – permanent
  1. Organization and Functions Regulation (ROF)
  2. Organization and Functions Manual (MOF)
  3. Institutional organization chart
  4. Internal Work Regulations (RIT)
Policies and Planning
  1. Petroperú Policies (permanent)
Budget information – quarterly
  1. Initial budget framework - statement of financial position
    Amended budget framework - statement of financial position
  2. Initial budget framework - income statement
    Amended budget framework - income statement
  3. Initial budget framework - cash flow
    Amended budget framework - cash flow
  4. Initial budget framework - income and expenses
    Amended budget framework - income and expenses
  5. Initial Budget Framework - Capital Expenditures
    Amended Budget Framework - Capital Expenditures
Financial information (financial statements) and capital expenditures - quarterly
  1. Statement of financial position
  2. Statement of income
  3. Cash flow
  4. Income and expenses
  5. Capital expenditures
Operational plan – quarterly
  1. Initial Institutional Operational Plan
    Amended Institutional Operational Plan
  2. Compliance Report of the Institutional Operational Plan
Implementation of the recommendations of the reports of subsequent control, monitoring and publication services Directive No. 014-2020-CG / SESNC
  1. Format for the publication of recommendations of the subsequent control service report aimed at improving the management of the entity (semi-annual)
Publication of control reports
  1. Link to the platform of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR)

Social and environmental management

Donations – quarterly
  1. Donations report
Initiative for Transparency in Extractive Industries - Annual
  1. EITI Reports – Transparency
Sustainability reports
  1. Sustainability reports

Procurement of goods and services

Hiring procedures
  1. Annual Procurement and Contracting Plan PAAC
  2. Management of the Annual Procurement and Contracting Plan
  3. New Regulation of Acquisitions and Contracts of Petroperú (effective as of June 28, 2021).
    1. 18/7/2024 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 078-2024-PP.
    2. 4/25/2024 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 039-2024-PP.
    3. 6/22/2023 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 075-2023-PP.
    4. 12/16/2022 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 120-2022-PP.
    5. 9/23/2022 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 094-2022-PP.
    6. 7/23/2021 - Modification of the Petroperú Procurement Regulation.
      Board of Directors Agreement No. 079-2021-PP.
  4. Modification to the Procurement and Contracting Regulations of Petroperú S.A. (valid as of 09.01.2019).
  5. Regulation of Acquisitions and Contracts of Petroperú S.A. (valid as of 04.07.2017).
  6. International Procurement and Contracting Procedure
  7. Requirements Formulation and Management
  8. Process by Competition and Selective Award
  9. Award procedure for framework contract
  10. Abbreviated Award
  11. Acquisitions and Contracts Not Subject to Regulation
  12. Attention to Appeal Resources
  13. Non-applications of the Procurement and Contracting Regulations
  14. Guidelines for the Determination of the Estimated Referential Amount - MER
  15. Guidelines for Auxiliary Units and Complementary Works for the PMRT
  16. PMRT guideline
  17. Subsequent Verification of the Authenticity of the Information Submitted by Bidders
  18. Additional and Reductions of Works
  19. Qualified Suppliers Database - BDPC
  20. Information systems
  21. Internal Regulation of Purchase Committees
  22. Administration of Contracts for Goods and Services
  23. Hiring of Natural Persons that generate Fourth Category Income
  24. Contracting of Outsourcing Services Companies
  25. Works Reception Committee Procedure
  26. Payment process for Contractors
Procurement and contracting report - quarterly
  1. Hiring through labor intermediation and outsourcing
  2. Annual Procurement and Contracting Plan (permanent)
  3. Executive Summary of Procurement and Contracting according to the Procurement and Contracting Regulations of Petroperú S.A.
  4. Acquisitions and Contracts by Competition Processes
  5. Acquisitions and Contracts by Abbreviated Award
  6. Acquisitions and Contracts by Selective Award
  7. Awards and Contracts Not Subject to the Regulation (between 1 and 10 UIT)
  8. Contracting by location of services celebrated with natural persons
  9. Fifty main suppliers of the current year
  10. Fifty main goods and / or services acquired in the current year
  11. Selection processes
    (*) Since July 4, 2017, the publication of the calls by Petroperú S.A. are carried out through its tender web portal, in addition to what is published in the SE@CE. As of September 24, 2021, the presentation of offers is also made through this Petroperú web portal.

Official Activities

Press releases - permanent
  1. Communications and official reports
Stock information - SMV
  1. Link to important events (select Petróleos del Perú - Petroperú S.A.)

Record of visits

Record of visits – OFP
  1. Link to the PCM visitors log