Proposal for the winning company of the good pro was the most competitive in the national and international market

As part of the internal procedure for the acquisition of hydrocarbons, PETROPERÚ announced, on Tuesday, January 11, the award of the contract of process No. GDCH-0030-2022 to the company Heaven Petroleum Operators S.A., which has a period of two business days to present the accreditation documents of their legal representative, in order to then proceed with the signing of the contract.
The Peruvian company Heaven Petroleum Operators SA presented the most competitive offer in the local and international market for the eight items that were part of this call, its proposal being below those presented by the other three companies that participated in this process for the acquisition of 300 thousand barrels of Biodiesel B100 for the period January - April 2022.
Heaven Petroleum Operators S.A.'s economic proposal was presented with unit prices, according to each of the eight items requested by PETROPERÚ, which make a total of USD 84'306,213.16. This amount is approximately USD 4.5 million less than what the import would have cost.
In accordance with the technical conditions, after signing the contract, the company must deliver 300 thousand barrels to the ports of Conchán, Callao and Mollendo, in the quantities and deadlines established between the months of January and April, so that the company state fulfills its commitment to guarantee the production and supply of fuels at competitive prices, in accordance with the regulations in force in the country's hydrocarbon market.
Heaven Petroleum Operators has been a supplier to PETROPERÚ for more than four years and, like other qualified national and international suppliers with experience in the supply of B100 biodiesel, participates in the hydrocarbon purchasing processes carried out by the state company on a regular basis to the production and marketing of quality fuels.
It is important to point out that PETROPERÚ requested the simultaneous control of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic through the Institutional Control Body, which is why an observer from this agency, Mr. Felix Yáñez Román, participated in the initial act of the call, which It was held on January 5 in the company building.
However, to date, the simultaneous control for this type of process has not been implemented due to the shortened deadlines for planning and the need for financing of 2% of the sum summoned, as reported by the Internal Control Body to PETROPERÚ in its communication OCIN-008-2022.
However, since this process is subject to subsequent control (, the required documentation will be made available, for the sake of transparency and legality.
Likewise, it should be mentioned that this process had the direct participation of the notary public Rulby Vela Velásquez, who attested to everything that had been done (receipt of offers, opening of envelopes, evaluation process and granting of the award).
The process has been carried out with total transparency, in accordance with PETROPERÚ's hydrocarbon acquisition procedure and the related information can be consulted on the PETROPERÚ web portal: national/