Zero tolerance to harassment, discrimination and gender violence in PETROPERÚ

In order to promote a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion and zero tolerance for discriminatory behaviors, the PETROPERÚ Gender Equity Steering Committee has been holding virtual meetings with various interest groups, as part of its work plan.
In the meeting with clients of the PETROPERÚ Service Station Network, the Legal Manager and leader of the Gender Equity Steering Committee of the state company, Gina Vega Ponce de León, said that PETROPERÚ has a commitment to continue working for the country aligned with five transcendental values: transparency, efficiency, safety, sustainability and focus on people.
The official emphasized that the hydrocarbon industry is working to close gaps by empowering women; she however she recognized that there is still a lot of hard work. "The values in gender equity are the premise for a change, but there is still a long way to achieve equality," he said while highlighting that, in PETROPERÚ, in 2020, 19.8% of all workers were women, which constitutes an important percentage in the organization.
The official said that PETROPERÚ is part of the Women in Energy organization, which seeks a greater contribution from women in the hydrocarbon sector. "The idea is that more and more women enter this competitive labor market," she said, stating that she has also been working against sexual harassment in the state-owned company.
In turn, the Manager of the Communications Department and member of the Gender Equity Steering Committee, Carla Santa Cruz Sandoval, argued that issues related to gender equity, diversity and inclusion constitute a great challenge and that it is therefore important to work with the main allies of the Company, as are its clients.
PETROPERÚ has a Policy of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, in which it expresses its commitments in this matter. Likewise, it has procedures and guidelines aimed at eliminating any type of discrimination and creating an adequate work environment. Along these lines, a multidisciplinary team of workers has been leading this process of change, through the so-called Gender Equity Steering Committee. For more information you can visit the following link: