Young people from Talara with scholarships from PETROPERÚ obtain their higher technical education degree

The Educando para el Mañana Program – Delivery of comprehensive higher technical education scholarships from PETROPERÚ, has a new graduating class made up of young people from Talar. They, after eight months of training, successfully completed their studies at the CETEMIN Higher Technical Institute in the careers of Metallurgical and Chemical Processes, Heavy Equipment Maintenance, Electrical Maintenance and Instrumentation, Geology and Exploration, Environment; and Risk Prevention, Safety and Occupational Health.
During the graduation ceremony, the president of the Board of Directors of PETROPERÚ, Eng. Humberto Campodónico, recognized the effort of the graduates for “the commitment shown, and the excellent academic results obtained, as they make up the promotion of CETEMIN graduates with the highest grade”.
Likewise, he recalled that PETROPERÚ is committed to education as the most important factor for social inclusion, progress and development; having delivered, from 2013 to date, 316 full scholarships for higher technical education, making an investment of more than 4,660,000 soles. "Our firm commitment to education will continue because we believe that it is the main way to achieve a better quality of life, a better future," said Campodónico.
For his part, Grease Juárez Ortiz, first place in the entire promotion of PETROPERÚ scholars, extended his gratitude to the Company for the opportunity to be trained and graduate with a Name of the Nation degree. “On behalf of all my class, I want to thank PETROPERÚ and CETEMIN for this opportunity that they have given us in these 8 months of training and that have culminated with the objective achieved.”
Based on PETROPERÚ's commitment to gender equality for access to development opportunities, it is important to highlight the participation of women in this program of comprehensive scholarships, from which 60 young women from Talara have graduated in careers that today are led by men; which will definitely mark a legacy for their families, the community of Talara and the country.
This initiative is part of PETROPERÚ's Social Management actions, as part of the Education component of the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan of the PMRT Environmental Impact Study, for the benefit of the population of this emblematic oil province.