Worker strike comes to an end

Given the information regarding the call for a 48-hour strike by workers affiliated with the Coalición Nacional de Sindicatos de Petroperú, the company reports the following:
1. The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE) issued General Director Resolution No. 000117-2024-MTPE/2/14, through which it declares inadmissible the strike called by the Coalición Nacional de Sindicatos de Petroperú – CONASIPP, in accordance with current regulations.
2. In line with this, the MTPE summoned the company's administration and the representatives of the CONASIPP to a conciliation meeting in which it was agreed to rescind the strike scheduled for May 30 and 31 of this year.
Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to continue strengthening its management and good corporate governance, as part of the restructuring process underway to guarantee its sustainability.