Work recruitment from Talara Refinery Modernisation Project (TRMP) was held in compliance of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Upon the varios allegations diffused by some means of communication, PETROPERU informs to the public that it is a false allegation that 500 foreign workers will be participating at the TRMP in the coming days.
Through the representatives of the enterprise “Técnicas Reunidas”, a firm in charged of the fulfilment of the TRMP, the subcontractor “Cosapi" stated that in its work plan has not been considered the hiring of the number of foreign workers mentioned on newspapers and that its work recruitment are being held according to the stablished procedure for this purpose.
As it is known, work recruitments to fill temporary job vacancies at TRMP are made public and are held according to the EIA which states that at least 70% of the non qualified workers must be from the province of Talara.
Currently, PETROPERU has supervised that 97% of its non qualified workers are from Talara as an accomplishment of the agreement made with the EIA.
The recruitments that the contractors and subcontractors of TRMP held are directed through the Local Committee, that counts with the representation of the civil society, for the purpose of guaranteeing the participation of Talara people at the selection process that companies hold according to their work progress and their own hiring policies.
By the end of December 2015, there has been 1,954 workers in the TRMP.
People interested on applying to the work recruitment held by TRMP, can submit their curriculum vitae (CV) in the Citizen Information and Participation Office, located in Avenida “C” w/n, in front of the Social and Sports Club of PETROPERU, from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. In case of having any doubts on the matter or any matters related to TRMP, people can call to 0801-12554.