Work on Av. G continues being carried out

The Avenue G improvement works, which are carried out as part of PETROPERU's social responsibility program, are still under construction until the road is fully recovered.
Currently, work is being carried out in relation to the installation of rainwater drainage channels. In the next few days, the road will be closed to proceed to place a new concrete channel.
The concrete gutters replace the old iron gutters, which were easily damaged by the passage of heavy traffic or were stolen by recyclers, as has happened in this and other avenues of the city.
The work on Avenue G, in the section between Quiñones Square and Avenue H, included the reinforcement of the soil and a drainage system to avoid the subsidence that the groundwater could generate. Subsequently, the replacement of the cobbles in poor condition by a slab of reinforced concrete, as well as the construction of sewers and sidewalk borders.
Likewise, the work carried out by the company Leich Arquitect E.I.R.L. included the removal of a sewer line that was causing flooding in the area, as well as the change of the pipe of the collector that passes through Avenue D, in order to avoid collapses that damage the repaired road.
Likewise, it has been reported that PETROPERU has been coordinating with the Provincial Municipality of Talara the rehabilitation of the stretch between the intersection with Avenue A and Plazuela Quiñones, completing the habilitation of this important artery.
This year, PETROPERU will carry out the rehabilitation of the channel through Av. G, which was seriously affected by the rains registered in 2017, through which the waters and the mud that flows from the upper parts of the city flow during periods of intense rain.
PETROPERU refutes reports of corruption in these works and specifies that these are financed with own resources and their execution has been carried out in permanent coordination with the local authority, in order to improve the transit through this important avenue in the center of the oil city.