VES neighbors are alerted about the risks of using fireworks near the Conchán Refinery

Petroperú alerts the population about the risks of the irresponsible use of fireworks during Christmas and New Year's celebrations in the areas surrounding the fuel storage tanks at the Conchán Refinery, putting their lives and those of their neighbors at risk.
Through an information campaign that seeks to raise citizen awareness, the oil company, in coordination with the Deputy Management of Risks and Disasters of the Municipality of Villa El Salvador, recommends not using pyrotechnics of uncertain trajectory, among which are known "whistlers", which could end up causing a fire in this industrial area, considered high risk.
It is important to remember that pyrotechnics increase the risk of fires by 30% and can cause burns, injuries and mutilations in people who handle them or who are impacted by them.
The Conchán Refinery is a National Critical Asset - according to Supreme Decree No. 106-2017-PCM - for being an essential infrastructure that plays a strategic role in the country's fuel supply.