Vehicle diesel price is aligned with the Stabilization Fund

In relation to the versions on fuel pricing in the country, Petroperú specifies:
- Petroperú's list prices have been adapted to the provisions of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) regarding the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (FEPC), transferring the effects of this regulation to its sale prices. The FEPC has allowed the increase in the international price of diesel not to be fully reflected. To date, the list price of diesel for vehicular use at the Callao Plant is S./ 13.77, not including taxes.It should be remembered that Petroperú markets its fuels at a wholesale level, so its prices are valid at its Sales Plants. Likewise, the price lists can be consulted on its institutional portal.
- It is important to emphasize that prices at service stations (taps) are free, a situation in which Petroperú has no control as they do not have their own taps.
- Petroperú reaffirms its commitment to having competitive prices and guaranteeing their supply at the national level.
- Petroperú invites end consumers to consult the FACILITO app, a tool that has been made available by OSINERGMIN, so that they can decide in a transparent and informed manner the Service Station in which they will supply fuel for their vehicle.