Transportation operations of the North Peruvian Pipeline are paralyzed due to the capture of Station 5

A group of more than two hundred people have captured the facilities of Station 5 of the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP) in Manseriche, as part of the call for the Amazon Strike promoted by the Awajún Río Apaga Native Federation - FENARA and the Peoples Affected by Petroleum Activity - PAAP, who demand the attention of the Government for alleged violations.
The group of protesters illegally entered the industrial facilities owned by PETROPERÚ, at 7:00 p.m. of Monday, October 4, where they are irresponsibly installing tents and other elements without taking into account the security conditions that must prevail, considering that it is an oil installation and putting the physical integrity of people at imminent risk.
Along these lines, PETROPERÚ has immediately evacuated the personnel who remained in Station 5 and paralyzed the hydrocarbon pumping operations, as well as coordinated the corresponding police protection, as the North Peruvian Pipeline is a critical national asset.
Likewise, the corresponding legal actions are being taken, considering that the facts constitute a crime against public security in the modality of hindering the operation of public services, as well as coercion, trespassing, among others.
PETROPERÚ urges the representatives of the aforementioned federations to make their protests in a peaceful manner, through dialogue with government institutions, maintaining social peace and avoiding fighting actions that continue to paralyze the hydrocarbon industry in the area, limiting an operation sustainable, damaging national production and affecting the economic income of the country and the region.