
The new cycle of Copersaciones de Oro of the Copé Award has begun

Online interview program will include the winners of the Copé Gold Essay Award from 2008 to 2022
The new cycle of Copersaciones de Oro of the Copé Award has begun

The Fridays of October, November and December 2022 will be literary, since, as part of the recognition of the Copé Award, Petroperú began the fourth edition of the cycle of online interviews called "Copersaciones de Oro", with the purpose of disseminating the winners of the contest, get to know their works and recognize their contribution to the world of letters.

This cycle will feature transmissions dedicated to the winners of the essay category, from 2008 to the last one that will be awarded in December of this year. This Friday, October 28, at 11:00 a.m. (Peru time, the program will be broadcast through the Facebook Live of the Petroperú Cultural Center, whose leadership is in charge of the Peruvian writer and researcher, Juan Manuel Chávez.

In the case of deceased or absent winners, the winner and their work will be discussed with an expert. The cycle will also have the participation of prominent national and foreign specialists and/or researchers who will be in charge of the comments.

The cycle of interviews Copersaciones de Oro began in 2020 with the winners of the short story category, in 2021 it continued with the poetry genre and this year the third stage has recently concluded with the winners of the novel genre. To date, 48 online interviews have been conducted that allow us to learn about the physiognomy of Peruvian literature in the last four decades and the future of our writers throughout the country.

In this way, Petroperú pays homage to the main literary contest in the country and publicizes the winners of the Copé Award, who will provide in each interview details of their winning works, writing advice to students and interested parties, as well as aspects of cross-cutting issues as a source of inspiration to continue with literary creation and promotion of culture in our country.

All activities are freely accessible, and the programs will be recorded on the Facebook page of the Petroperú Cultural Center. This is the Schedule of the interviews:

Interview date

Essay Award



Friday 21.10.2022

Copé Gold Award 2008

Gregorio Martínez (+)

Diccionario Abracadabra. Ensayos de abecechedario

Friday 28.10.2022

Copé Gold Award 2010

Mauro Mamani

José María Arguedas. Urpi, fieru, quri, sonqoyky. Estudio sobre la poesía de Arguedas

Friday 4.11.2022

Copé Gold Award 2012

John Valle Araujo

Derroteros de la soledad: El wakcha en el relato andino de tradición oral

Friday 11.11.2022

Copé Gold Award 2014

Richard Parra

La tiranía del Inca. El Inca Garcilaso y la escritura política en el Perú colonial (1568-1617)

Friday 18.11.2022

Copé Gold Award 2016

Diego Trelles Paz

Detectives perdidos en la ciudad oscura. Novela policial alternativa en Latinoamérica. De Borges a Bolaño.

Friday 25.11.2022

Copé Gold Award 2018

Ciro Alegría Varona (+)

Adagios. Crítica del presente desde una ciencia melancólica.

Friday 9.12.2022

Copé Gold Award 2020

David Quichua Chaico

De curaca a congresista. Vigencia de una familia indígena en la política nacional.