The integral progress of the New Talara Refinery is verified

The construction of the New Talara Refinery is in its last construction stage and to date has registered an integral progress of 96.19%. This was verified by the President of the Board of PETROPERÚ, Mario Contreras Ibárcena, who visited the works that are being carried out in strict compliance with the protocols approved and established in the surveillance, prevention and control plans of COVID-19 for this project.
Contreras Ibárcena, toured the work areas of the new refining complex under construction, accompanied by the directors Luis Rafael Zoeger Núñez, Hugo Chávez Arévalo, Carlos Palacios Olivera, Juan Pari Choquecota and Óscar Vera Gargurevich and the Talara Refinery Manager, Arturo Rodríguez Paredes , who informed them about the integral progress registered by the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), as well as that of the new process units, auxiliary units and facilities specifically.
During their tour, the management team visited the work areas of the new Flare, the seawater collection plant (SWI), the Electric Generation Unit (GE) and the modern Control Room.
New Talara Refinery
The New Talara Refinery will be one of the most modern refineries on the southern Pacific coast and will consist mainly of 16 process units and 5 auxiliary units.
The megaproject also includes the construction of new facilities such as: an external backup power line, 21 tanks for crude or fuel storage, a new liquid loading dock, a new firefighting station, buildings for administrative management, a laboratory, warehouses and workshops for logistics and maintenance activities; as well as the modernization or adaptation of part of the storage tanks and the existing liquid loading dock.
It will be a highly complex and deep conversion refinery complex with technology patented by the most recognized companies in the refining industry such as: EXXON Mobil (USA), Axens (France), UOP (USA) and Haldor Topsoe (Denmark). In this way, the new PETROPERÚ refinery will be in accordance with the new demands of the international energy market, producing cleaner fuels that ensure the preservation of the air and the health of all Peruvians.