
The Executive verifies on-site the operation of the New Talara Refinery

The Prime Minister and the heads of the MEF and MINEM ministries visited the facilities and confirmed that the country is producing fuels of the highest quality.
The Executive verifies on-site the operation of the New Talara Refinery

The president of the Council of Ministers, Gustavo Adrianzén, verified on site the status of the New Talara Refinery (NRT), which is in the stabilization stage, with all its units operating and producing fuels in specification to meet national demand.

Accompanied by the ministers of Economy and Finance, José Arista, of Energy and Mines, Rómulo Mucho, and the vice-minister of Hydrocarbons, Iris Cárdenas, members of the General Shareholders' Meeting of Petroperú, as well as the general manager, Cristina Fung, the prime minister highlighted the high professional value of those who work at the plant, where he visited the control room, the Flexicoking unit, the liquid loading dock and the laboratory.

Adrianzén said he had verified the stabilization process of the modern Petroperú refining complex, which will last until the end of the year and then - he specified - the optimization stage will begin, where it is expected that it will finally reach the goals set by the company.

"Nothing is wasted at this modern plant, and gasoline, naphtha and diesel, among other high-quality fuels, are already being produced," he added, confident that the desired production levels will soon be reached.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister highlighted the support given to Petroperú by the government, which will allow the company to continue operating efficiently. "It is essential to adopt a new form of management that guarantees the success of the investments made in Talara," he said, expressing his confidence that in this way the company will achieve positive results, as projected.

Modern refining complex

Petroperú's new and modern refining complex has 16 processing units and five packages of auxiliary units and complementary services, two liquid loading docks, 125 storage tanks and a modern accredited laboratory that provides results with international validity.

Among its main processing plants, the Flexicoking unit stands out, which has innovative technology present in only eight refineries in the world, which allows the production of high commercial value liquid fuels obtained from petroleum waste.

With all its units in operation, it produces diesel, gasoline, LPG and Turbo A1, complying with the most demanding quality specifications. This production will continue to increase as Petroperú recovers the market and completes the optimization of its processes, thus contributing to the financial sustainability of the company.