The cycle of technical conferences on plans and projects of PETROPERÚ began with success

PETROPERÚ began its cycle of technical conferences called Energy Talks to publicize the plans and projects it has underway, as well as its business activities throughout the country. The opening day revolved around the theme "Gender Equality and Equity".
This first conference, which was followed live through the Facebook Live of the state company, was led by Janinne Delgado Silva, Hydrocarbons Manager of the National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy (SNMPE) and President of Women in Energy (WIN) and Janet Zehnder Schuler, Manager of the Conchán Refining Department.
The official of the state company, who opened the day, highlighted in her intervention that, despite everything that has been advanced, there are still gender gaps in our country. In this sense, Zehnder Schuler expressed the will to achieve real equality between men and women. "Under that premise, we must all contribute, and the first step is to recognize that the problem exists," she said.
"We have signed an agreement with Women in Energy, which will allow us to exchange experiences on issues of closing gaps for the sector, taking into account that in PETROPERÚ 33% of key positions are held by female personnel," she said.
In turn, Janinne Delgado Silva highlighted the important alliance that has been established with the state company, as it will allow for the strengthening of equality between women and men, with a view to a more just and equitable society. Likewise, she highlighted the high percentage of women in the various activities of the state company.
For Delgado Silva, it is urgent to consolidate women, empowering them in high positions, especially in the mining-energy industry, which has always been characterized by having male leaders. "You have to overcome internal barriers, such as fear of new challenges, and external barriers, which include social, cultural or organizational aspects," she said.
“We do not want women to be appointed to a position for the mere fact of being one. What we want is to have a level playing field; starting under the same conditions as men, based on merits and trajectory,” she argued while specifying that Women in Energy, the body she presides, basically works for women to have a balance between their personal life and professional.
In this way, the state company held the first of its talks, which will be held every second week of the month (from May to November), and will include relevant topics of PETROPERÚ's business management and its current and future projects. Thus, it will inform the community about the important improvements in its management, corporate governance and ongoing projects that have been contributing to its consolidation as a modern, transparent and sustainable company, always committed to the development of the country and operating with social and environmental responsibility.