The cycle of "COPErsaciones de Oro” continues in PETROPERU

This Saturday 22, the PETROPERU Cultural Center will continue with its online interview program called “COPErsaciones de Oro”, alluding to the winners of the first place in the Premio Copé literary contest, organized by the state oil company. The cycle includes interviews with the winners in the genre Story.
The writer and literary critic, Julio Ortega, winner of the Copé de Oro, in 1981, for his work "Avenida Oeste", will be the guest of this week, through the Facebook Live of the PETROPERU Cultural Center. The session will begin at 11:00 a.m.
It should be noted that Ortega is currently a professor of Latin American Literature at Brown University, in Rhode Island, United States and has obtained multiple recognitions and distinctions for his literary work, among which the Order of the Aztec Eagle, awarded by the government of Mexico; the José Lezama Lima Medal, from the Cuban government and the Alejo Zuloaga Order, from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, among others.
The interview will be conducted by the Peruvian writer and researcher and also the Silver Copé Award winner in the Short Story genre, Juan Manuel Chávez, who lives in Barcelona.
This cycle of interviews, which began last Saturday with Washington Delgado, is part of the dissemination of the book published in 2019 by Ediciones Copé with the title “20 tales of gold. Winning Stories in the Forty Years of the Copé Award”, as part of the constant literary promotion in Peru developed by PETROPERU and the main literary competition in the country.