The cultural agenda of PETROPERÚ is always active

PETROPERÚ, through its Cultural Center, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, begins this Wednesday 22 the second edition of the program of meetings called Copé International Dialogues, seeking to communicate the Peruvian literary production awarded with the Copé Award contest, at the international level.
The day, to begin at 12:00 noon, through the Facebook Live of the PETROPERÚ Cultural Center, is part of the cultural promotion abroad of the bibliographic material of the state company, through its Ediciones Copé label, either through Peruvian literature and history.
On this occasion, Colombia will be the guest country, represented by Adriana Villegas Botero, journalist, lawyer and director of the Social Communication and Journalism Program at the University of Manizales, and is also the author of the novel The myopic ear; and Ricardo Silva Romero, writer, journalist, screenwriter and film critic, author of novels such as Historia oficial del amor and El libro de la envidia, as well as the essay Historia de la locura en Colombia, among others. For our country will participate Luis Fernando Cueto, 2011 Copé Novel Award and Ricardo Sumalavia Chávez, Peruvian writer and literary critic, who will be in charge of the moderation.
International presentation
The following day, Thursday, September 23, also at noon, PETROPERÚ will present, at an international level, the book "21. Relatos sobre mujeres que lucharon por la independencia del Perú." This will be done in Barcelona, Spain, where the first presentation will take place, at the headquarters of the Peruvian consulate in that city.
The writer, literary critic and National History Award winner in Spain, Anna Caballé, will take part that day, who will be accompanied by two of the book's writers, the researchers and narrators Rosalí León-Cicliota and Rossana Sala.
That same Thursday, at 6:00 pm, the conference "Narrativas y lenguas originarias en la construcción del Bicentenario del Perú" will be broadcast on Facebook Live of the PETROPERÚ Cultural Center, by researcher Américo Mendoza and led by Marcel Velásquez , as part of the Encrucijadas del Bicentenario conference cycle.
On the other hand, and like every Friday, starting at 11:00 a.m., the cycle of conferences "Copersaciones de Oro" continues, dedicated to the winners of the Copé Poetry Award. This Friday the 24th, there will be the participation of Alfredo Herrera, 1995 Copé Poetry Award.
In this way, PETROPERÚ constantly maintains its work to promote cultural activities, not only at the national level but now crossing borders, disseminating the works of selected writers, with a view to encouraging and motivating new generations, thus consolidating its presence as a committed company -for more than four decades- to the dissemination of culture throughout the country.