The Copé 2022 International Dialogues come to an end

The cycle “International Dialogues Copé 2022”, closed its virtual literary meetings of the year, with the work «En la ruta de los hombres silentes» (“On the route of silent men”), 2015 Copé Novel Award of the writer and researcher Juan José Cavero and which featured El Salvador as the guest country.
This unique event, which was broadcast via the Facebook Live of the Petroperú Cultural Center, the Peruvian Foreign Ministry and the participating entities, included the participation of important educational centers and entities related to the book of the guest country.
The meeting was led by the writer, teacher and current deputy director of the Center for Oriental Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Ricardo Sumalavia, who spoke with Juan José Cavero together with the specialists Lourdes Ferrufino and Aída Párraga, the latter representatives of Salvadoran letters.
You can watch the broadcast of the 2022 edition of the “Copé 2022 International Dialogues” cycle by visiting the following link:
The objectives of these meetings are to spread Peruvian literature abroad, promote the reading and analysis of the authors awarded in the Copé Awards, bring readers abroad closer to the Virtual Library of Petroperú, establish and propose dialogues on literature with prestigious university institutions in Latin America.
Likewise, with these online presentations, it is planned to offer a context of the Copé Awards, initiate a dialogue between the winning author and the writers of the host country of the event, as well as direct and stimulate the reading and analysis of the works published by Petroperú, as a company committed to cultural development.
This initiative, which was established by Petroperú in 2020 together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, carries out annual editions with the support of the Peruvian missions abroad. During all this time, countries and literature representatives from Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, and the winners of the Copé Award in the four categories of the contest: story, poetry, essay and novel, have participated. This year was dedicated to Central American countries.