
The Board of Directors of Petroperú presented their resignation to the General Shareholders' Meeting

Likewise, the company clarified inaccurate information that has been disseminating about its management.
The Board of Directors of Petroperú presented their resignation to the General Shareholders' Meeting

The president of the Board of Directors of Petroperú, Pedro Chira Fernández, and the board members Artemio Reátegui Soria and Pedro Méndez Milla presented their irrevocable resignation before the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of the company, which - in turn - announced the formation of a new Board of Directors .

Likewise, given the different information that has been disseminated in the media, Petroperú clarified that it has been announcing in a timely manner and with total transparency about the company's management through official communications disseminated on its digital channels and in the media. communication at the national level. In the same way, it has been responding to requests for information from regulatory entities and the State with due diligence and truthful information, in faithful compliance with the legal regulations, regulations and procedures that govern the company.

Along these lines, Petroperú has been reporting on the implementation of the Restructuring Plan that was approved and reported to the JGA and the Comptroller General of the Republic in July 2023 and that has been implemented within the deadlines stipulated in the Decree of Urgency No. 023-2022.

As part of these actions, the modification of its Social Statute was carried out, as well as the Regulation of the Internal Regime of Organization and Functioning of the Board of Directors and the Regulation of the AGM, in order to strengthen its governance and contribute to its sustainability. In the same way, in 2023, changes to the company's organizational structure began, which seeks to fill management positions with outstanding professionals selected by an independent entity (headhunter), in accordance with the statutes of Petroperú and the guidelines of the National Fund for Financing State Business Activity (Fonafe).

Regarding the New Talara Refinery, he reiterated that it continues to produce fuel to meet the demand that Petroperú currently supplies nationwide. The maximum burden of this will occur to the extent that the company continues to progressively recover its market share.

Regarding the benefits of its workers, Petroperú rejects statements related to supposed privileges, since they do not correspond to the truth. These are similar to those received by other workers from companies in the sector and are provided within the current labor framework in the country.