The 2018 National Culture Awards were presented

The National Grand Theater was the location, at noon, for the gathering of an important group of guests, who participated in the ceremony of recognition of the winners of the 2018 National Culture Award (PNC), the most important award that the State makes for the management and cultural development of people and institutions in favor of society.

These important awards were presented by the President of PETROPERU, who congratulated the winners, who said "they represent a point of reference for the new generations and a permanent source of inspiration for all those who are witnesses of their management in favor of culture."
"At PETROPERU we are convinced that, from the support to the CULTURE, without a doubt, we will be able to obtain better results to allow us a development as a more equal, harmonious and tolerant country", said the high official to assert that this afternoon they have been recognized three creative ideas that have been proposed by those who identify in their actions and achievements, indicators of nationality, identity and talent without limits.
Atkins Lerggios also thanked the holder of the portfolio of Culture, Patricia Balbuena, "for allowing us, for the seventh time, to recognize this action and creative and collective talent". The official described the support of PETROPERU as invaluable.
In this edition, the work of Luis Ángel Humberto Rodríguez Pastor, winner of the 2018 PNC in the Trajectory category, was recognized for his valuable contributions in various fields, especially in his studies of the origins of Chinese and Japanese immigration in the country.
On the other hand, Professor Juan Cadillo Leon, educator and ancashino psychologist, was the winner in the Creativity category, an award that was granted for his creative capacity revealed in the improvement of the teaching process.
Meanwhile, the La Gran Marcha de los Muñecones Cultural Center was the winner in the category Good Institutional Practices. This group of urban theater is dedicated to training, experimentation and theatrical production for open spaces, vindicating the history and identity of the community where they live.
The PNC is the most important contest organized by the Ministry of Culture and that PETROPERU sponsors for the seventh consecutive year, reaffirming its permanent commitment to the cultural promotion of the country.