TECSUP students visited Conchán Refinery

Students of the last cycles of the electricity and electronics career of the institution of higher education TECSUP, visited the facilities of the Conchán Refinery of PETROPERU, to improve their learning related to the management of the processes of the fuel industry.
The students were attended by the engineer Jasmín Córdova, from the Process and Project Engineering Unit, who told them about the Company's trajectory in the hydrocarbons market and explained the refining and blending techniques used in the refinery.
He also detailed the process of landing the fuel from the multi-bus terminal, as well as the important role that the oil company has in guaranteeing the supply of fuels from the Conchán Refinery to the markets of Metropolitan Lima, to the center, south and east of the country.
The students also received a technical talk by the engineer Andrés Galiano, from the Operations Unit's Processes Unit, who gave them a detailed talk about the refining work he performs in the primary and vacuum distillation units.
In addition, it gave them a scope on the automation of processes in industrial plants and the use of the main equipment - electronic and digital - that are used in the refinery and in the area of fuel dispatch.
PETROPERU periodically conducts guided visits to its operations as part of its Social Management Policy, which is geared towards the integration of the Company with its stakeholders through the dissemination of the work carried out in its facilities, respecting the environment and community.