
Talara women show their talent in Entepreneurship Fair

This is the first of three fairs that PETROPERU will organize during this year.
Talara women show their talent in Entepreneurship Fair

Seeking the empowerment of women from Talara, PETROPERU inaugurated the 7th Entrepreneurship Fair "Talara Women in Action", in which the 11 women entrepreneurs who received start-up capital from the state oil company, allowing them to make their business projects come to life.

This was possible after successfully completing the technical-productive training program issued by the National Training Service in Industrial Work (SENATI), by special order of PETROPERU.

In coordination with the Tourist Development Sub-Department of the Provincial Municipality of Talara, and in a space erected in Plaza Grau, the 11 Talara women-trained in productive workshops-exhibit and market their works, highlighting the crafts with marine supplies, crochet dresses, crafts, printed t-shirts, personal care services (haircut, manicure and pedicure) and food and pastries for the enjoyment of attendees.

Along with the new entrepreneurs, members of seven associations of local artisans are participating: Rutas del Sol, Eleazar Marky, San José Obrero, UMEP Talara, Artes Clave, De Lvjo, Artesanos Talareños and the Sullana Women's Jail, invited by the Provincial Municipality of Talara and PETROPERU, which supports the economic initiatives of the area as part of the activities of the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project.

The Talara public can visit the Entrepreneurship Fair until Saturday, March 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Admission is free.

Stregthening economic initiatives

As of 2018, PETROPERU has trained more than 200 Talara women in technical-productive workshops, allowing them to generate their own income. Currently, there are 11 formalized businesses, which had an initial financing granted by the oil company, last January. Since this year, the accompaniment of these women entrepreneurs has been carried out through permanent monitoring and advice, which will culminate in July, to guarantee the development of their enterprise.
