Talara will have a modular hospital for COVID-19 patients thanks to PETROPERU

In the framework of its Social Management Policy and PETROPERU's commitment to the province of Talara, the Board of Directors of the state company approved the donation of a Modular Hospital for the benefit of its inhabitants, which will have a hospital area of 400 square meters to provide timely care to moderate and severe patients affected by COVID-19.
The modern Modular Hospital will come into operation at the end of July, after completing the processes of acquisition, medical equipment and implementation on the esplanade of Hospital II of ESSALUD, strengthening the services that this medical establishment in the province has been providing to date. oil company to face the pandemic.
The Modular Hospital to be donated by the state-owned company has a useful life of approximately 15 years and will be implemented with 30 beds for hospitalization of moderate patients COVID-19 and 15 to care for seriously ill patients requiring care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It will have modern medical equipment that includes pulmonary ventilators, automatic defibrillators, electrocardiographs, a central monitor for multiple beds and LED screens to visualize vital signs of patients, among others.
The operation and maintenance of the Modular Hospital will be in charge of ESSALUD, an institution that will assume the provision of professional and technical personnel, as well as supplies and medicines for the treatment of COVID-19. It is important to mention that, due to the health emergency that the country is going through, the establishment will be available to all patients with COVID-19 in Talara and will not limit its attention to only insured patients.
In this way, PETROPERU reaffirms, once again, its commitment to the Talara community during this critical period facing the country, through permanent support to the city's health facilities, to which it has delivered 22 oxygen tanks to date, thanks to the support of the main contractors of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), more than 25,000 items of biosafety equipment and 5,000 rapid test kits for ruling out COVID-19.