Talara locals will certify their experience in electricity and pipeline assembly

One hundred twenty Talara locals with experience in the specialties of Industrial Electricity and Assembly of Industrial Pipes, began their training to obtain a certificate in the name of the Nation and increase their chances of employment.
During three months, the participants will have theoretical and practical sessions under the care of specialists of the National Service of Training in Industrial Work - SENATI, by order of PETROPERU.
This ongoing training initiative is aligned with the commitments assumed by the state company in the Local Workforce Contracting Program of the Community Relations Plan, the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), and considers the specialties with greater demand from the contractors and subcontractors of the PMRT and other companies nationwide.
It should be noted that, to apply for one of the vacancies, the 120 beneficiaries from Talara registered for free at the Information and Citizen Participation Office (OIPC) last February and proved to have work experience of at least two years in the above-mentioned specialties and be natives of Talara or have at least three years of residence in the province.
Instrumentalists are already working
Thanks to PETROPERU, in December 2018, 60 Talara locals with experience in Industrial Instrumentation concluded their training and certification of their experience increasing their chances of entering the labor market. Of the total number of certified participants, 60% are already working in a contractor company of the PMRT.
In this way, PETROPERU reaffirms its commitment to contribute to the generation of employment in the area of influence of the PMRT, maximizing the opportunities for contracting local labor and contributing to the economic growth of the province.