Talara civil society is informed about the start of operations of a new refinery

The members of the Local Committee and Community Socio-environmental Monitoring Committee of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), made up of representatives of civil society in this province, participated in an informative meeting and guided tour of the new facilities of the PETROPERÚ refining complex in Talara to find out the details of its next gradual start-up, as well as that of its Risk Management System, which guarantees a safe operation at the level of the best refineries in the world.
Following the biosafety protocols implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the members of Talara's civil society received the institutional greeting and technical presentation by PETROPERÚ personnel, who also developed the presentation on the Emergency Response Plan; and details of the Contingency Plan for cases of oil spills at sea,
They were informed that the New Talara Refinery is in the final stretch of its construction process, registering an advance of more than 97.32%. Likewise, since the month of September 2021, the reception and commissioning of the auxiliary units and complementary works that will provide services and facilities to the 16 process units that will begin their gradual commissioning from next April have begun.
Likewise, that the gradual start-up of the New Talara Refinery will involve the commissioning of 7,000 pieces of equipment and 35,000 instruments, so its stabilization process will mean a minimum period of six months, in which PETROPERÚ will have the permanent support of the licensors. international.
PETROPERÚ informed the members of the Local Committee and the Community Socio-environmental Monitoring Committee that, in line with its preventive Safety Culture, it is implementing more than 30 specific Emergency Response Plans for each plant that makes up the new refining complex, which have been reviewed and audited by international specialists. Likewise, it also has a Contingency Plan for cases of spillage of hydrocarbons and other harmful substances into the sea approved by the National Maritime Authority; and with equipment and facilities with state-of-the-art technology, guaranteeing a safe and reliable operation for workers and the community.
Subsequently, the visitors took a guided tour of the facilities of the New Talara Refinery, visiting the new Control Room, the Flexicocking Unit and the new torch (Flare) where they had access to a panoramic tour of the entire New Talara Refinery thanks to the viewpoint enabled in that area.
During the coming weeks, the informative meetings and guided tours to explain and communicate about the gradual and progressive start-up of the New Talara Refinery will continue, convening the different interest groups, including provincial and regional authorities, neighborhood leaders, unions, representatives of civil society and local journalists.