Talara authorities visit the facilities of the new Talara Modular Hospital

The authorities of the province of Talara paid a visit to the facilities of the new Talara Modular Hospital that PETROPERÚ donated to ESSALUD, fully equipped, to strengthen the universal care of COVID-19 patients in the oil province.
The visit was attended by the Regional Councilor for Talara, Yasser Arámbulo Abad, the Suprefecta de Talara, Leyla Mogollón Cruz, as well as the provincial councilors Jhonny Tinedo Marchán, Robin Estrada Serrano, Luis Benites Guerrero, Darwin Cruz Correa, Santiago Guevara Velásquez, Rosanita Burgos Zapata, Miguel Ángel Talledo Panta and Sandra Vinces Timaná.
During the visit, the Western Social Management Department Manager of PETROPERU, Tomás Flores Noriega, and the Director of the Talara II Hospital of ESSALUD, Ricardo Zúñiga Vallejos, greeted the authorities and provided details of the new infrastructure and equipment of the medical establishment that has 30 hospital beds and an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with 15 ICU beds, fully equipped for the care of insured and uninsured patients who require artificial ventilation and critical care.
The visit also included the participation of the president of the Talara Fishermen's Guild, Sixto Panta Ramírez and two of his members, who toured the facilities that have been built in an area of 558 square meters of land of the Hospital II of ESSALUD and that have state-of-the-art air conditioning equipment.
Zúñiga Vallejos thanked PETROPERU for this important contribution to face the fight against COVID-19 that continues to hit Talara and reported that they have been working to put the new Talara Modular Hospital into operation in the coming days. In this sense, he reported that there are already personnel for patient care and the internal connections of the oxygen system that ESSALUD has been implementing with the support of the local business community are being made.
The Talara Modular Hospital has state-of-the-art air conditioning equipment and its useful life is estimated at 15 years, so after the pandemic is over it will serve to implement services of different medical specialties, in favor of the population of the oil province.
The operation and maintenance of the medical establishment is in charge of ESSALUD, an institution that, after receiving this important donation from the state company, has assumed the provision of professional and technical personnel, as well as supplies and medicines for the treatment of COVID-19 , guaranteeing its optimal operation.