Students from the university of Cusco visited the Conchán Refinery

Students of the School of Petrochemical Engineering of the National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC), visited the facilities of Conchán Refinery of PETROPERU, in Lurín, to expand their knowledge on the management of the hydrocarbon industry and update on the techniques used in refining processes.
The technical talk was given by the engineer Mario Salas, who explained about the production of hydrocarbons using the refining and blending processes. In addition, he reminded them that the fuel supply throughout Peru is the company's reason for being, emphasizing that PETROPERU supplies gasoline to the farthest places in the country. He also highlighted the high quality of the products made in the refinery, including asphalt, which is highly valued in the region.
The students also learned the production scheme that is carried out in the primary and vacuum distillation units, as well as related to the supply and storage capacity of the different products such as gasoline, diesel, solvents, industrial oils and asphalts, among others. This explanation was provided by engineer Andrés Galiano, who also gave them a greater scope on the work that is done in the effluent treatment plant and the periodic maintenance that was recently carried out in the plant.
Guided visits to operations are part of the PETROPERU Social Management Policy, which is geared towards integration with the academic community to publicize the work carried out in its facilities, where the safety of all people, the care of the environment and respect for the population.