Students from the San Cristóbal de Huamanga University visit Conchán Refinery

Petroperú continues to facilitate the experiential learning experience among the university community through its guided tour program, with the aim of familiarizing future professionals with the work of the hydrocarbon industry. In this sense, it received a visit from the delegation of students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the San Cristóbal de Huamanga University of Ayacucho, who visited the Conchán Refinery facilities, south of Lima.
During the visit, both students and teachers received a technical presentation that allowed them to learn in detail the different processes followed in a refinery, from the arrival of the crude oil, its transformation in the process units, as well as the different products that are produced. and they market through their plants.
Likewise, the visit included a tour of the facilities, always accompanied by specialist engineers in charge of explaining each point. First, they visited its modern laboratory, specialized in ensuring the quality of the hydrocarbons, solvents and asphalts produced in the refinery. They then visited its Process Plant and Control Room, from where the operations of the primary and vacuum distillation units are monitored.
Guided tours are activities that are part of the relationship policies that Petroperú maintains with its different stakeholders, promoting knowledge of the different actions carried out in each of its operations.