Students from the Amazon will receive school reinforcement in their native language

PETROPERÚ, maintaining its permanent commitment to the populations close to its scope of action, will implement - in person and for six months - the “Jinkay” school reinforcement project (seed, in Wampis language), in the Fernando Rosas and Mayuriaga communities, from the Morona district, in the Datem del Marañon province, in Loreto.
This program will allow the improvement of the learning of 230 primary and secondary students from four educational institutions in the area and will have an important point: the classes will be taught in Wampis, the native language of the place, since there will be bilingual teachers.
"Jincay" will have part of its educational material in the Wampis language and will allow school leveling in communication and mathematics courses. Likewise, summer workshops on citizenship will be offered, which seek to promote a culture of transparency to prevent corruption, promoting the exercise of a participatory and responsible citizenship that exercises its role of control over public institutions.
Socio-emotional skills, such as self-esteem, perseverance, and handling of emotions; as well as decision-making, empathy and respect for self-management are also part of this program, whose subjects are aligned with the national curriculum and the materials to be used are worked with a group of specialized pedagogues.
In this way, PETROPERÚ contributes to the government's work to educate in the most remote and remote areas of the country and that, as a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, has caused many schoolchildren to be affected in their normal learning.