Station 5 illegal occupants threaten to set fire to facilities

- PETROPERÚ informs the public that today it has received the threat of setting fire to the assets located in Station 5 of the North Peruvian Pipeline, a threat made by the leaders who illegally keep this facility under their control for the past 28 days, which would constitute an attack on the infrastructure of the Peruvian State.
- It should be remembered that it is an industrial area where there are about 70 thousand barrels of stored crude oil and other combustion elements that together with the fire can produce a catastrophic accident with serious consequences for the lives of people, not only the occupants, but also the inhabitants of the neighboring community of Félix Flores; as well as for the environment.
- As has been reported, PETROPERÚ is prevented from having control of the facilities, a situation that makes it impossible to carry out any operational action, as well as to attend to emergencies in the event of a contingency, or a violent event that triggers an emergency.
- PETROPERÚ has already been alerting the competent authorities of the serious risks to the integrity of people that this occupation means; Likewise, it has made the corresponding complaints considering that the facts constitute a crime against public security in the modality of hindering the operation of public services, as well as coercion, house rape, extortion, among others.
- For this reason, we reiterate to those responsible for these events, to drop the measures of force and cease their threats that only generate a latent risk to their lives and that of the communities, to leave Station 5 and resume the dialogue with the government bodies. that correspond.
- Likewise, PETROPERÚ expresses its heartfelt regret over the death of Agustín Ampush Tseje, vice president of the Awajún del Río Apaga Native Federation - FENARA, who died of respiratory problems, as reported by the Apu of his Atahualpa community. This leader was part of the group of protesters who have taken Station 5 a few days ago.
- As has already been repeatedly warned in all our communications, the protesters do not respect the biosecurity protocols against COVID-19, exposing themselves to the serious consequences of this disease.
- The primary purpose is to safeguard the well-being and health of the Amazonian communities, for which the only way is dialogue within the framework of a State of Law and respect for current regulations.