Statement 29-2017

PETROPERÚ regrets to inform that today Wednesday, December 6 at 07:55 there was an explosion in a crude oil tank at Station No. 8 of the North Peruvian Pipeline, located in the province of Jaen, Cajamarca, the cause of which is under investigation. .
As a result of this, two workers of the contractor company PROCIN, Messrs. Andrés Alexander Vásquez Valverde (with DNI N ° 10428770) and Aldo Alfonso Vásquez Valverde (DNI N ° 09945990) were killed, while a third, Mr. Harold Córdova Torres, (with DNI N ° 02877220), suffered first and second degree burns, and has been evacuated to Piura to receive medical attention.
The event occurred during maintenance work on the foam chambers of tank 8D1, with a capacity of 3,000 m3 of crude oil. Immediately, the Contingency Plan was activated and the incident was quickly controlled.
PETROPERÚ expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and is performing the corresponding actions to address this tragic circumstance according to the legal framework.
In addition to having initiated the investigations on the case, the Company has been informing the corresponding authorities. We will continue reporting as the investigations progress.