Statement 08-2018

On the past Friday 9, during the morning, traces of hydrocarbon from the operating process of the Iquitos Plant were visible in the area of the AAHH Iván Vásquez de Punchana.
Immediately, the implementation of the Contingency Plan began, sending a specialized team to evaluate the incident and initiate the corresponding control processes.
PETROPERU, in the shortest possible time, managed to contain the spilled product, calculating the volume in an approximate of 2 barrels, which were recovered, without producing significant impact to the environment.
PETROPERU continues working in the affected area, applying environmentally-friendly processes, to recover the natural state of the place.
PETROPERU, states that the event was not due to a fault in the pipes of the pipeline as has been reported in some media.
Likewise, with a transparent attitude PETROPERU has participated in the verification tasks of the site with the Supervisory Entities OSINERGMIN, OEFA and DIGESA, members of the Police and the Public Ministry.