Social projects will continue to be executed in an alliance with the new municipal management

The social projects that PETROPERU launched in 2018 in Talara will continue to be executed in 2019, in coordination with the new municipal management, informed Beatriz Alva Hart, Corporate Manager of Social Management and Communications of the state company.

In dialogue with the local media, Alva Hart reported that they are coordinating a meeting to present to the Provincial Mayor of Talara, José Vitonera Infante, the Social Plan that PETROPERU has been developing, which includes a series of actions aimed at achieving the sustainable development of the province and the improvement of the quality of life of its neighbors.
Among the projects that will be implemented in 2019, is the rehabilitation and implementation of the operations room of the Talara Health Center, which is being coordinated with the regional authorities of the sector. She also indicated that work will be done to improve Av. A, in the section between avenues G and B.
She also reported that as part of the solid waste management project, which will provide a clean and attractive city for tourism, PETROPERU will implement, for a year, the plan to clean up 40 critical points of garbage accumulation in the city through which rotating work will be given to 800 people, mostly women.

She pointed out that this project also includes the delivery of new containers that will be installed in the points identified during the fieldwork that was carried out in 2018. She also indicated that the neighbors will be educated for the proper disposal of garbage and the care of the decoration. of their homes, for which it is planned to conduct the contest The Cleanest Neighborhood.
She also recalled that in 2018 PETROPERU initiated a project to boost local tourism, through the Tourism Training Center (CENFOTUR), which has developed a diagnosis that will allow developing the design and implementation of multisectoral action plans that contribute to relaunch the tourist industry in this province.
Likewise, the recovery of spaces in the city that began in 2018 with the maintenance and arborization of 1470 m2 of green areas of the malls adjacent to the Cristo Rey human settlement and the area known as "Cola de Gato" in Talara, continues. In this regard, he announced that the green areas recovered from parks 21-22 and 23-24 will be delivered shortly. In 2019, the green areas of the north and south cone of the city will be recovered.
Work has also been carried out to train and formalize the fishermen, in order to improve working conditions and opportunities for the seamen of this province.
The PMRT is still under way
Alva Hart informed that the construction work of the new refining complex continues and the hiring of local labor is carried out, in line with what is established in the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project ( PMRT). He specified that during 2018, 5,197 Talara locals worked on the execution of this megaproject that recorded an integral advance of 71.43%.