Selection of the manager for comprehensive transformation process will be carried out with absolute transparency

In light of Mr. César Gutiérrez Peña's biased and defamatory statements made today in the article entitled "Petroperú's Board of Directors would generate more corruption", published in the Expreso newspaper, the company informs the public of the following:
- All actions that the Board of Directors is carrying out as part of the Petroperú Restructuring Plan are carried out with absolute transparency, following the corresponding procedures and within the legal framework in force in the country.
- The selection of the company for the Comprehensive Transformation Process of Petroperú has not yet been carried out, being in the market research stage; that is, identifying potential specialized companies with recognized experience that can perform the service, so it is false to claim that it has been selected “handpicked” in a “hidden process” and “promoting corruption.”
- The conditions under which the service will be contracted will ensure that it has a return, that is, the efficiencies estimated to be achieved with the Comprehensive Transformation Process will cover the costs of the service, which is why the Board of Directors and Management have been working seriously and responsibly in the execution of the selection process, in order to award it, in accordance with current regulations, to an international company with experience in transforming hydrocarbon and/or energy companies, as well as state companies and/or entities.
- Petroperú reiterates its firm commitment to transparency and the frontal fight against corruption, to ensure its sustainability and optimal management of the resources contributed by all Peruvians.
- Likewise, it is considering taking the appropriate legal actions for the inaccurate and defamatory statements that have been disseminated against the management of its Board of Directors.