Road safety for schoolchildren thanks to Petroperú

As part of its Educating for Tomorrow program, Petroperú was able to train more than 150 primary and secondary school students from schools in the districts of Mollendo, in Arequipa, and Ilo, in Moquegua, in road safety, thus promoting a safe trip to school. .
The students, from the José Carlos Mariátegui, Mollendo and Daniel Becerra Ocampo and Mercedes Cabello schools in Carbonera, in Ilo - where the oil company has plants and terminals - were informed about everything related to traffic rules, the speed allowed in school zones, the benefits and protection elements when using a bicycle and the correct use of public roads, among other relevant topics.
For the state oil company, providing road safety education at an early age is essential to promote new learning and good habits in children, which will be decisive in preserving safety and life.
In order to develop these workshops, we coordinated with the directors and teachers of the selected educational institutions, ensuring that six sections could be trained in each school, generating enormous interest in the children and young people as they had active participation in each of the classes.
It should be noted that road safety education should be understood as the process that promotes knowledge of the rules and signs that regulate the circulation of vehicles and people on sidewalks and roads. Likewise, road safety education must be considered as the acquisition of values, habits and attitudes that will allow people to behave safely in the various traffic situations in which they find themselves immersed.
With these activities, Petroperú reaffirms its permanent commitment to education as part of its Social Management Policy in the areas of influence of its operations at the national level.