
Riverside defenses protect populations neighboring the North Peruvian Pipeline from flooding

As part of its Contingency Plan for the El Niño Phenomenon, Petroperú built 270 thousand linear meters of dikes in Huancabamba.
Riverside defenses protect populations neighboring the North Peruvian Pipeline from flooding

The preventive works carried out by Petroperú, as part of its Contingency Plan against the announced El Niño Phenomenon, are being developed satisfactorily, seeking to meet one of its objectives: protecting neighboring populations, workers and its facilities.

This is the case of the work on the riverside defenses, 270 thousand linear meters, built on the perimeter of Station 9 of the North Peruvian Oil Pipeline (ONP), in the district of Huarmaca, province of Huancabamba, Piura region, which serve to prevent landslides. of land and flooding, given the significant increase in the flow of the Huancabamba River, after the intense rains recorded in the region's mountains.

The use of this type of structures, using the rockwall system, helps prevent natural problems such as erosion, scour and flooding caused by river flooding. They also serve as a protective structure against the occurrence of landslides also generated by the constant rains.

The works include the cleaning of the Tasajeras and Piquijaca streams that feed the flow of the Huacabamba River - which is born in the Shimbe lagoon, the largest of the Huaringas and extends through the streams of the surrounding hills - in the province of Huancabamba.

The preventive tasks began in September 2023 with the transfer of the material, and the placement and arrangement of the rocks on the riverbank, forming a structure that allows the level of the dam to be raised over seven meters, thus controlling possible flooding. It should be noted that the rocks were subjected to abrasive and chemical tests to verify their durability.

The defenses built, as well as the cleaning of the riverbed, have expanded its hydraulic capacity, managing to reduce the risk of damage to the existing metal bridge, due to the dragging of logs and palisades that occur with the large avenues, preventing them from being retained at their step under the bridge. This road is the only access from the Fernando Belaúnde Terry highway to the industrial zone of Station 9 and to various population centers, located on the right bank of the river.