Resumption of the PMRT is carried out in compliance with vigilance plans and current labor regulations

The construction activities of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT) are being reactivated progressively, strictly complying with the protocols approved and established in the surveillance, prevention and control plans of COVID-19 for this project, which to date has progress 89.55%.
The personnel of our Company and of the contractors and subcontractors have been gradually incorporated, after a rapid test to discard COVID-19 and filling in the symptom sheet. On site, workers are obliged to follow the protocols established by our Company that are framed in the plans approved by the Ministries of Health and Energy and Mines, among which the permanent use of protection and biosafety equipment, hand washing are contemplated. to guarantee personal hygiene and social distancing. The work areas go through cleaning and disinfection processes, in addition to permanent medical surveillance.
Contractor and subcontractor companies have been making calls for personnel in line with the provisions of the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the project, prioritizing the hiring of local labor that establishes a minimum of 70 % in unskilled labor and with Talara locals having the preference in skilled labor.
It is important to point out that, throughout the execution of the project, the percentage required for hiring unskilled local labor has been exceeded, maintaining an average of 90%, with a peak of 96% in February of this year. year. The Talara skilled labor force has had a participation of over 30% with a peak of 45%.
The current job calls are being disseminated through the channels of the Information and Citizen Participation Office (OIPC) of the PMRT and, through the OIPC Informa fanpage, the pre-selection processes of applicants, under the care of the Local Committee, body made up of representatives of civil society.
The hiring of the selected personnel is under the care of the PMRT contractor and subcontractor companies, which is carried out in compliance with current legislation and has been inspected on several occasions by the competent authority.
PETROPERU reiterates its commitment to permanent dialogue and, along these lines, rejects acts of violence. The communications that electromechanical workers have sent us at the time have been answered. Likewise, it is important to point out that during the execution of the PMRT, freedom of union membership has been respected and monitoring of compliance with current labor regulations is carried out, establishing dialogue when adverse situations arise that jeopardize compliance with labor obligations.