Restart of the PMRT construction activities will be carried out gradually and progressively

In compliance with the provisions implemented by the Executive during the State of National Emergency, aimed at containing the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, PETROPERU has begun efforts for the gradual and progressive resumption of construction activities for the Talara Refinery Modernization Project ( PMRT), which have been suspended since March 16.
According to the established health protocols, PETROPERU presented, this week, the “Plan of Surveillance, Prevention and Control of COVID-19 at Work” for the restart of construction activities of the PMRT, which has been prepared in accordance to the technical document "Guidelines for Health Surveillance of workers at risk of exposure to COVID-19", approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 239-2020/MINSA and its amendments, as well as in line with the Health Protocol of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 128-2020/MINEM/DM and its amendment and RVM-016-2020-MINEM/VMH.
In the coming days, once the structure and content of the Plan submitted by PETROPERU to the General Hydrocarbons Directorate (DGH) have been validated, the verification certificate will be issued, which will be sent to the Ministry of Health for the corresponding registration in the Integrated System for COVID-19 (SICOVID-19), then continuing with the development of activities related to the critical path.
Progressively, in the following weeks, the other activities to be carried out will be increased, as well as the personnel required, in accordance with the evaluation of the environment and the PMRT, in accordance with the reactivation matrix approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the result of the monitoring and evaluations, for this purpose, carried out by the Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining - OSINERGMIN.
While the pertinent steps are being taken for the resumption of construction activities of the PMRT, PETROPERU maintains permanent coordination with its main contractors, in order to guarantee strict compliance with the prevention and control measures of COVID-19.
Considering that the incorporation of the personnel contracted for the execution of activities will be gradual, the contractor and subcontractor companies that participate in the PMRT must make the calls for personnel in line with the provisions of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the project, prioritizing the hiring of local labor.
Together against the coronavirus
PETROPERU reaffirms its commitment to the Talara community, reporting in a timely manner on the main milestones of the PMRT and the actions it has been taking, in coordination with the health authorities, to counter the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, by strengthening the main medical establishments in the city and supporting vulnerable families in this critical period of the country.
Likewise, it invites the general population to continue to responsibly abide by the provisions of the National Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, maintaining social distancing and following the recommendations issued by the health authorities through various means.