Reception of works for Copé 2019 begins

PETROPERU announces the XIX Biennial of Poetry and the VII Biennial of Novel "2019 Copé Award", in which Peruvians living in the country or abroad can participate. The works will be received at the Document Processing office of the PETROPERU Main Office (Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra 150, San Isidro) and in all the refineries and sales plants nationwide.
On this occasion, the XIX Biennial of Poetry will award 35,000 Soles to the first place, 25,000 Soles to the second and 15,000 Soles to the third, in addition to the Copé Trophy for each one and the publication of the winning works, along with a selected anthology of finalist poems, by PETROPERU, under the Ediciones Copé label.
It should be noted that foreign citizens, nationalized or residents of Peru, may also participate. In the case of authors residing abroad, they may leave their work in the diplomatic representations of Peru in their country of residence. The deadline for submission of papers is until Friday, August 9, 2019.
As every year, the Qualifying Jury of the Copé 2019 Award will be formed by a representative of the following institutions: Ministry of Culture, Peruvian Academy of Language, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, National University of San Marcos and PETROPERU.
The bases of the of the Biennial 2019 Copé Award can be downloaded at the following link: