
Public Tender No. Petroperú-001-2024-L64

Lote 64

Petroperú has 100% participation in the License Agreement for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in Lot 64 (hereinafter License Agreement), and is in search of a strategic partner to assume the role of operator, for which it is willing to assign part of its participation in the aforementioned License Agreement.

In this context, Petroperú communicates its decision to carry out the selection process Public Tender No. PETROPERÚ-001-2024-L64, for which it has appointed the Selection Committee in charge of directing and carrying out the aforementioned process. The bases and formats of the process are attached in the following link.

Likewise, a Virtual Data Room has been organized for Lot 64 that contains technical, contractual, social and environmental information. The “ Partnership Agreement” and the “Joint Operating Agreement” will also be available in the Virtual Data Room.

Oil companies interested in participating in the Selection Process must request access to the Virtual Data Room. To do this, it will be necessary to complete and sign the following forms (from 1 to 4):

The documents must be sent on the date established in the schedule to the email address procesoseleccion_lote64@petroperu.com.pe , with the subject"Public Tender No. PETROPERÚ-001-2024-L64".

All the documentation necessary for the Selection Process must be submitted by the participating oil companies in Spanish, either by original drafting or by simple translation signed by the translator, with the exception of brochures, reports and other documents that, by their nature, may be submitted in English.

Timeline (See circulars)

Activity Start End
1 Tender for the process through the Petroperú website. 29/11/2024 6/2/2024
2 Invitation to oil companies operating in Peru and others that have expressed interest. 29/11/2024 6/2/2024
3 Submission of letters of interest (formats N° 1, 2, 3 and 4) and request for access to the Virtual Data Room. 2/12/2024 14/2/2025
Second Round of Submission of Letters of Interest (Formats No. 1, 2, 3 and 4) and request for access to the Virtual Data Room. 2/12/2024 1/4/2025
4 Referral of access to oil companies to the Virtual Data Room. 3/12/2024 10/3/2025
5 Review of information available in the Virtual Data Room. 3/12/2024 13/4/2025
6 Presentation of queries and/or clarifications to the bases. 18/2/2025 24/2/2025
7 Response to queries and clarifications to the bases. 25/2/2025 10/3/2025
8 Technical presentation to oil companies. 13/3/2025 20/3/2025
9 Submission of documentation for the evaluation of the oil company (formats N° 5, 6, 6A and 6B). 24/3/2025 24/3/2025
10 Evaluation of information received from oil companies. 24/3/2025 31/3/2025
11 Communication to the oil companies authorized to submit their declaration of offer. 2/4/2025 2/4/2025
12 Public act of presentation of declaration of offers, with the presence of a notary. 14/4/2025 a las 3 p.m.
13 Dispute and consent, if applicable. 2 días hábiles.
14 Resolution of the challenge, if applicable. 2 días hábiles.
15 Approval by the board of directors of the winning company of the tender.
