
Police officers receive biosecurity implements for the protection from COVID-19

PETROPERÚ delivered 50 kits for the use of PNP personnel from the Talara Sectorial Police Station.
Police officers receive biosecurity implements for the protection from COVID-19

In order to help minimize the risks to which police officers are exposed during a state of emergency due to COVID-19, PETROPERÚ delivered 50 biosafety kits to the Sectorial Police Station of the National Police of Peru (PNP) in the city of Talara.

The Commissioner of Talara, PNP Commander Luis Berrú Paz, thanked PETROPERÚ for delivering the biosafety packages, containing KN-95 masks, 70° alcohol sprays, face shields, among other implements, which will allow police officers to carry out their daily work with the necessary protection.

Since the State of National Emergency was declared, PETROPERÚ has carried out actions in coordination with different institutions to contribute to the non-spread of the coronavirus in the oil province. Along these lines, it donated, fully equipped, the Talara Modular Hospital, which has been fulfilling a strategic role in the fight against COVID-19, providing care to more than 10,000 insured and uninsured patients so far.

PETROPERÚ has maintained an active and constant solidarity with Talara. Joining efforts in favor of the Health Center II of the Minsa, the state company delivered an ambulance, 5,000 COVID-19 tests, 25,000 biosecurity implements and food for the medical and assistance personnel of this establishment that has also been contributing to the fight against the coronavirus. Among other actions, it delivered 2,000 food baskets to families in vulnerable areas and loaned two vans to the Peruvian Air Force for patrolling in the city.