Pipeline restarts operations under strict security protocols

With the transfer of crude from the Peruvian Jungle, from Station 5 (Loreto) to Bayóvar Terminal (Piura), the North Peruvian Pipeline - ONP will restart its operations this Saturday, August 1, after its stoppage on 04/30/2020 as part of the preventive measures implemented at the national level to face the COVID-19 pandemic.
These restart activities are carried out with the guarantees of strict compliance with the biosecurity protocols, contemplated in the PETROPERU COVID-19 Surveillance, Prevention and Control Plan, in order to ensure the health of its workers, contractors, clients, suppliers and neighboring communities.
Prior to restarting activities at the ONP, all workers have undergone medical controls and the respective discard test has been applied, among other measures. Similarly, there are specialized personnel in the area for permanent medical surveillance, in compliance with the protocol established by the company for return to work.
As part of these prevention and control activities, the facilities of all the ONP Stations have been conditioned so that the workers can carry out their work in accordance with the established measures; Likewise, the permanent sanitation of all spaces and the use of protective and biosafety equipment, hand washing and social distancing are carried out.
In the same way, the contractors and suppliers have presented their respective Surveillance, Prevention and Control Plan to the health authorities and the corresponding sectors.
PETROPERU reaffirms its commitment to caring for people's health and safety, as well as its contribution to the development of the country through the operation of the North Peruvian Pipeline.