PETROPERU works to improve road safety

Ing. Guillermo Bergelund
Committed to the safety of our contractors, PETROPERU organized the II Convention on Transporters Safety directed at the management, administrative and operational personnel of the land transport companies nationwide that currently have contracts with the Company.
The event brought together more than 100 people from a total of 36 companies, who knew the results of the Land Management 2018 of PETROPERU, an exhibition that was in charge of the Supply Chain Corporate Manager, Eng. Guillermo Bergelund, who stressed the importance to be able to implement improvement actions in their work in the short term. In addition, the next work plan of the transport management of PETROPERU 2019 was presented.
In addition, there were exhibitors representing important companies in the transport sector such as: Mr. Federico Batifora (Senior PSV Consultant) with the topic of road safety as a value of transport company, Mr. Ronald Mejía Hidalgo ( General Director of the company All Security SA) with the topic Patrimonial Risk Analysis in Route, Mr. Mateus Selau (Commercial Manager of the company Randon Peru) with the topic of tank structures and their efficiency, Mr. Alex Vidal (Consultant Senior of CENFOLOG - Logistics Training Center) with the topic Structure of Costs in land freight seeking improvement in competitiveness and Mr. Ricardo Rizo-Patrón (Wonbatt) tools for the control of fatigue and drowsiness.
During the event, held at the NM Hotel, Servosa Cargo SAC was awarded as the best transport company in 2018 and the best drivers of the year were Percy Efraín Pérez Chambi (Servicio Servosa Cerro Verde) and driver Jhon Sanchez Trinidad (Autoservicios Luchin in the Pucallpa operation).
This year, PETROPERU has achieved a total of 4208 driver training hours, which demonstrates the company's commitment to preventing risks and safety conditions in line with our Integrated Corporate Management System.