PETROPERU will support in the supply of drinking water in Talara

As part of its commitment to Talara and in line with its Social Management Plan, PETROPERU will continue the execution of social investment projects aimed at contributing to the improvement in the quality of life of the residents of Talara.
In coordination with the Provincial Municipality of Talara (MPT), the state oil company has been working on the construction project of two underground tanks of 1,000m3 and 2,500 m3, equipped with a pumping system for water reservoirs with the aim of increasing the number of hours of distribution in the city.
The technical file of the project has been reviewed by the Grau Service Provider, EPS Grau and the municipality of Talara, in addition to having the electrical feasibility granted by ENOSA. While PETROPERU has already reserved a budget for this work and the Regional Government of Piura will send the corresponding documentation, since the work was originally in charge of this subnational body.
On the other hand, it is expected to close with the MPT an agreement to execute a recycling project and recovery of green areas in the city, which will allow the redirection of unskilled local labor that could not work in the Point Cleaning Project Critics suspended for the pandemic.
In addition, in support of education, PETROPERU will provide 120 full scholarships in SENATI for professional technical careers with high labor demand aimed at outstanding students from public educational institutions in Talara who graduated in 2018, 2019 and 2020, and who do not have resources economic to continue higher studies.
The student selection process will be carried out in coordination with the Local Educational Management Unit, UGEL, Talara and its objective is to maximize local, regional or national employment opportunities for young people from Talara.
Likewise, the authorization for the expansion of the rehabilitation of the Northern Cone road is being negotiated with the Regional Government to begin the habilitation of the additional area.
New market in Talara Alta
It should be noted that the investment project for the new supply center in Talara Alta has not been ruled out. PETROPERU is very interested in developing investment projects in the areas of our operations, under the system of works for taxes. The state oil company is evaluating carrying it out in 2022 due to budgetary reasons.
Finally, PETROPERU recognizes the operation and universal care provided by the modular hospital donated to ESSALUD to face the COVID-19 pandemic, which has a useful life of 15 years. Although there were problems between the companies of the contractor consortium, PETROPERU was not a party to them. In any case, the health center has been providing specialized care to the residents of Talara.