PETROPERÚ will execute social projects for more than 5 million in native communities

In order to join efforts in actions of reciprocal interest, PETROPERÚ signed agreements with the Native Federation of the Awajún of the Apaga River (FENARA) and the Organization of the Indigenous and Indigenous People of Alto Marañón (ORPICAM) of Loreto, which group together communities located in the areas surrounding the North Peruvian Pipeline.
In accordance with the inter-institutional cooperation agreements signed, the state company undertook to finance the technical files and the construction of seven community halls in the Borja, Nueva Alegría, Capernaum, Pachacutec, Belén, Atahualpa and Nueva Soledad communities, as well as the construction of the administrative offices of FENARA and ORPICAM.
PETROPERÚ will also implement, for a period of six months, a comprehensive program to improve leadership skills for the development of governance, coexistence and social welfare conditions in the indigenous communities of the Manseriche district, Datem del Marañón province.
The Chairman of the PETROPERÚ Board of Directors, Mario Contreras Ibárcena, highlighted the signing of these agreements with the native communities, which will become a reality with an investment of more than five million soles. He pointed out that this is one of the efforts that the state company has been making to build a relationship of mutual trust and that it contributes to the implementation of closing social gaps in our Amazon.
The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Carlos Palacios Pérez, who welcomed this contribution from PETROPERÚ, since it will contribute to the development of native communities and pointed out that the corresponding follow-up will be carried out so that the commitments assumed by the state company executed in accordance with the signed agreements.
After the signing of the agreements, the Apus Tito Tuyasa Tunquia and Ronald Samaniego Tupika, highlighted the importance of these agreements to carry out works and social actions prioritized by their communities, which will contribute to continue improving their quality of life.