Petroperú welcomes the resumption of dialogue with the native community Fernando Rosas

Petroperú welcomes the announcement of the restart of the dialogue with the community authorities of Fernando Rosas of the Morona district, in the Loreto region. Thanks to the joint initiative of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) and Petroperú, two meetings have been agreed with the authorities and residents of the aforementioned community.
The first will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21, in the town of San Lorenzo, between representatives of the community, Petroperú and MINEM. The second, on Friday, March 24, with a delegation from various sectors of the Executive, headed by the PCM and in the same community, in order to inform the population about the progress in the execution of their commitments within the framework of the Dialogue Table.
Since the occupation of the Morona Station took place, Petroperú has deployed all its efforts to reestablish dialogue and communication channels with the population and the authorities of the Fernando Rosas native community, to reiterate information on the Remediation Plan of the areas of interest in the Morona Station area. In this sense, the Company has been holding meetings with the MINEM and with the PCM, efforts that have led to setting these work meetings.
At the end of last week, within the framework of its functions, PCM began talks with community leaders in order to resume the dialogue on the progress of the commitments of the State sectors, on the execution of different projects in the field of health , education and others. In the same way, and in execution of the Company's community relations activities, preliminary agreements have been reached between Petroperú and the communal authorities, which will be formalized in order to carry out the necessary activities and advance with the remediation tasks that require treatment. especially due to the characteristics of this affectation.
Given these advances, Petroperú reiterates its invocation to the Fernando Rosas community to leave the Morona Station and hopes that they agree, for humanitarian reasons and in the shortest possible time, the release of the Company's workers and contractors detained from last March 15.
It is recalled that the Station is an industrial area where there are crude oil and fuel storage tanks that could cause accidents with unfortunate consequences if they are handled or put in contact with heat sources.