PETROPERÚ welcomes the appointment of Tali Sabio as the first Apu woman of the Awajún population

PETROPERÚ proudly expresses its congratulations to the Awajún population, for the election of Tali Sabio Piuk as Apu of the Wawas Native Community, in the province of Bagua, Amazonas region, becoming the first woman to hold such an important position in a community.
The appointment of Tali Sabio Piuk constitutes a historic milestone in the communities, because it allows recognizing and empowering the important role of women as leaders in their territories, paving the way for the weighting of equity and parity in decision-making.
With it, women become validated interlocutors with the support of the Communal Assemblies, facing the various levels of government and other actors, always seeking the best for their people.
It is also an example for the younger generations, demonstrating that leadership in communities can also be exercised by women.
In its interrelation with the communities, PETROPERÚ has witnessed the leading role played by women from the communities of the Awajún population, in making decisions that involve the development of their localities, advising and obtaining their opinion in the various spaces in which who have participated.
PETROPERÚ reiterates its congratulations to Sabio Piuk, wishing her success in her position and the projects she undertakes as a community authority.