PETROPERÚ warns about digital scams

In recent weeks, a series of false web pages have been detected that, making improper use of the PETROPERÚ brand, have been scamming users with supposed prizes, as well as millionaire profits based on capital investment. All these fraudulent digital platforms that are promoted through social networks do not belong to or have any relationship with PETROPERÚ.
According to the investigations carried out, the aforementioned false web pages have been set up by unscrupulous people who seek to swindle and steal user information, for which PETROPERÚ warns the population not to access the links sent by WhatsApp or any other network. much less provide the information requested through those channels.
PETROPERÚ maintains its institutional portal as its main information channel, as well as its official accounts on social networks, which are available to all users to keep abreast of the activities carried out by the company and corroborate the veracity of the information circulating on social networks.
Fake job offers
In the same way, unscrupulous people have been identified who have been making false job calls in the name of PETROPERÚ and making improper use of the brand, data and images of company officials through social networks.
In this regard, PETROPERÚ recalls that all personnel selection processes are channeled through its job bank, (, a portal in which the user registers and applies for the calls that are currently open.
In none of the cases are payments requested for courses, training or to participate in the personnel selection processes.
PETROPERÚ has informed the corresponding authorities of these cases of fraud that have been identified on digital platforms.