PETROPERÚ traslada brigada de salud para atención médica de pobladores de Saramiriza

As part of the actions undertaken to face the health emergency, last Saturday, PETROPERU airlifted a brigade made up of eleven doctors, who in the coming days will provide care to the residents of Saramiriza and other populated centers and neighboring communities in this city of the Loretan province Datem del Marañón.
The team of health specialists, led by the Regional Director of Health - Diresa de Loreto, Carlos Calampa del Águila, left San Lorenzo for Saramiriza, bringing medicine and equipment for the treatment of the residents who will be attended in the following days.
At the moment, PETROPERU has been carrying out important actions to contribute to counteract the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, in coordination with the Amazon health authorities. Along these lines, it has provided support in the provision of oxygen for patients from San Lorenzo and in the air transportation of medicine to Awajún communities of the Bagua Health Network. Likewise, it has delivered more than 3,000 biosafety kits for families and health centers in native communities and through local radios, develops a campaign to disseminate prevention messages aimed at Awajún and Wampis communities in their native languages.
In this way, the state-owned company has been supporting the health actions undertaken by the Government to deal with the pandemic, benefiting vulnerable populations in areas adjacent to its operations.
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