
Petroperú trains women from Talara to boost their economic development

The company launched a technical and business training program to strengthen female entrepreneurship and employability.
Petroperú trains women from Talara to boost their economic development

Petroperú has begun a productive technical training program for 100 women from the districts of El Alto and Lobitos (Talara, Piura), providing them with training in technical trades and business management to expand their economic opportunities and strengthen their knowledge.

The technical training program includes courses in Peruvian cooking and baking, cosmetology and hair styling, and marine crafts. In addition, participants will receive training in business management and soft skills, as well as seed capital and support for their businesses.

This initiative is part of the Community Relations Plan for lots I, VI and Z-69, reaffirming Petroperú's commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of the communities neighboring its operations.