PETROPERU trains fishermen from Talara in packaging of marine products

PETROPERU, in a strategic alliance with entities from the Piura region, concluded a project to improve services aimed at the Artisanal Fishermen's Association of Puerto San Pedro, in Talara.
The initiative, called "Improving the quality of services provided by artisanal fishermen in the province of Talara, through innovations and technical assistance in packaging, packing and packing systems for hydrobiological products", was closed on February 26 after eight months in duration, in which they carried out various activities.
During the execution of this proposal, the seafarers participated in training on organizational aspects, the importance of adding value to their hydrobiological products and the inclusion of women in this economic environment.
Likewise, a pilot line for packaging, packaging and labeling of marine products was developed, which had its respective package of operating protocols, training about 25 fishermen, 10 of them women, in the proper management of said system.
This project was developed thanks to the strategic alliance established by PETROPERU with the University of Piura (UDEP), the Puerto San Pedro Artisan Fishermen's Union and the National Program for Innovation in Fishing and Aquaculture (PNIPA) of the Ministry of Production.
The closing ceremony was attended by the coordinator of the UDEP project, Paul Guerrero Vargas, the president of the San Pedro de Talara Artisan Fishermen's Union, Sixto Panta, and the head of Social Management Talara de Petroperú, Raquel Vilela, who celebrated the effort and commitment of the participants, highlighting their desire to innovate and improve the conditions of this sector.
It should be noted that this project is part of the four proposals submitted to PNIPA by the oil company together with the Puerto San Pedro Artisan Fishermen's Guild, Antenor Orrego Private University (UPAO), UDEP and Management Engineering and Technology Service E.I.R.L. (MET Peru).
The four projects had a social investment of S / 380,790.00, of which 20% was covered by PETROPERU, as a collaborating entity. 80% of the remaining budget came from World Bank funds, through the PNIPA Competitive Fund, in the SEREX modality.
PETROPERU's participation is part of its articulating role between the sectors of the State and the communities and populations in its area of influence, in order to reduce the existing social gaps and promote the progress of its interest groups. At the same time, this activity is part of the Company's Social Management Plan.